Friday, October 26, 2007

Mr. Norman Podhoretz, you can kiss my tuchas.

Norman Podhoretz is a macher. The long-time editor of Commentary, and the "Godfather of Neo-Conservativism," has just published a book called "World War IV," which is what he calls the war he as pushing for--the war against Iraq, Iran and "Islamo-fascism."

Norman "the Pud," I call him or putz.

Personally, I am no fan of the Iraqis or Iranis or Hamas or Hezbollah or any other of the radical groups that seem to be dominating the Middle East. But, Mr. Pud, unless you're will to unleash a torrent of nuclear bombs on these people, you will not defeat them. There are too many of them and they are too fanatical. So, there's your choice, Pud. Kill a billion. Or find an alternative.

I happen to be on the side of Mr. Thomas Friedman in this matter. Friedman believes that Islamic extremism is the result of Islamic poverty and the extreme oil wealth concentrated in the coffers of a few shieks in bathrobes. You want to make the Islamics crawl back in their tents? Stop buying oil and build for them a bissel infrastructure.