Jessica, a shainah maidle, is being Bat Mitzvah'd next month, coinciding with my 85th birthday. Naturally I would rather have a nice dinner with some friends here in New York, but as Con Schmedison might have written and as Sylvie who always puts family first believes, "Schlep we Must," so off we'll jet to Ann Arbor probably through a snowstorm and we'll all nearly die, G-d Forbid.
Sylvie, of course, must always do more than just attend Bat Mitzvahs, she must organize for the parents any help she can. So all afternoon she is online shopping for yarmulkes, because naturally you cannot find such head wear in the wilderness of Ann Arbor, Mishigoss,I mean Michigan.
Personally as I said I'd rather sit home with a book when it is cold and could snow out. But as Groucho might have said, "Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife."
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